My Therapy Practice
My Therapy Practice
As a psychologist, I utilize a variety of approaches, including attachment theory, family systems, family-of-origin and psychodynamic constructs, and practical cognitive and behavioral strategies. I use interventions such as identifying unhelpful thought patterns, problem solving, stress management, and communication skills focused on navigating challenging relationships. I look for the connection between deeper emotional or family of origin issues and current life situations and challenges.
Typical Areas I Deal With
I offer individual therapy for a wide range of problems. These are some typical issues I work with in my practice:
Unresolved issues from childhood that hurt current relationships
Working with men to build capacity for intimate relationships in a committed partnership
Blocks to intimacy caused by past trauma
Problems caused by pornography use
Improving parent-child relationships, especially with adult children launching into independent life
Dealing with chaotic work environments or difficult management relationships
Unwanted alienation from God, including past spiritual abuse
Depression, anxiety and low self-worth
My Practice Style
I strive to develop a positive, collaborative relationship with you using individually-designed and “doable” strategies, grounded by a mixture of grace, honesty and perseverance. I will work carefully with you to establish achievable plans for life change. This incorporates:
A relational and practical approach.
A focus on gaining an in-depth understanding of your life and unique personality style.
Using empirically-proven approaches.
Recommending books, seminars, retreats and other helpful resources.
Consulting with physicians concerning medication, when needed.
A Special Area of Practice
After decades of working as a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, business manager, private practice psychologist, and ordained minister, a current clinical sweet spot is working with highly motivated men who have a commitment to their faith. Feel free to reach out to talk further about how we might best work together!
(Please note that I do not work with children, nor do I see families or couples at this time. Individual therapy is my specialty. I do all of my work virtually, typically using video applications).